Saint John's Health Center Llighting Event - 2024
Saint John’s Health Center illuminates their hospital pink each October for Breast Cancer Awareness

Lighting Up the Mood

On September 30th, 2024, the day started early, preparing for the annual breast cancer awareness lighting at the Saint John’s Health Center. At the center of planning were Dr. Rebecca Crane-Okada, Program Manager of Cancer Patient Support & Willow Sage Wellness program at the Margie Petersen Breast Center, and Alston Novak, Administrative Coordinator Cancer Support Services & Margie Petersen Breast Center, who once again, delighted friends, family, and co-workers with a festive celebration with music, decorative lighting, and heartfelt stories from guest speakers.

Dr. Janie Grumley speaks at the Saint John's Lighting event
Dr. Janie Grumley speaks at the Saint John’s Lighting event.

A Captivated Audience

Janie Grumley, MD, FACS, opened the evening, providing perspective, inspiration, and hope followed by Lynda Baxter, MBA, MPH, the new executive director for Providence Saint John’s Cancer Institute and the Roy and Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center (DFCC) at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center. Care insights were provided by Jared Amerson, Chief Administrative Officer at Saint John’s, reading from a letter from a thankful friend of a cancer patient, and Tiffany Grunwald, MD, FACS, Executive Medical Director of the Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Saint John’s Health Center who pulled the switch to launch a month-long lighting of health center in a hot pink.

Celebration and Hope Take Hold at Saint John’s

Learn more about the Margie Petersen Breast Center, a Center of Excellence
Margie Petersen Breast Center and Care Team

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